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Bubble Bros is a flash platformer game developed by Sarbakan for the Nickelodeon website, released on December 23, 2010. It features a set of levels where SpongeBob and Patrick must use bubbles to defeat an army of robot anchovies.


  • Left/Right: Move
  • Up: Jump
  • Space Bar: Attack


Bubble Bros contains two different worlds which each have ten levels. The goal of each level is to defeat every enemy in as little time as possible. When selecting a world to play in, you can choose to play as either SpongeBob or Patrick; they play almost identically but have some minor differences - SpongeBob runs faster but can't jump as high, while Patrick jumps higher but runs slower. Both characters can attack by blowing bubbles; any enemy that comes into contact with a bubble will become ensnared in it, and you'll have to pop the bubble by touching it before the enemy breaks free in order to defeat the enemy for good.

When you enter a world, you start out with five lives but can earn more by getting enough points to get a 1-up. Getting hit by an enemy causes you to lose a life; lose them all and the game is over.


  • Jellyfish Plains: A grassland area whose levels contain simple layouts and relatively small amounts of enemies.
  • Squidward's Factory: An industrial area whose levels contain more complex layouts and larger amounts of enemies.


  • Krabby Patty: Gives you 1,000 points.
  • Snail Shell: Gives you 5,000 points.
  • Golden Spatula: Gives you 10,000 points.
  • Blue Bubble: Makes your bubbles fly further so they're more likely to hit an enemy.
  • Orange Bubble: Lets you have more bubbles onscreen than normal.


  • Seeker Anchovy: Moves forward continuously, stopping to change directions when he hits a wall.
  • Jumper Anchovy: Constantly jumps forward.
  • SpongeBob Piñata: Not hostile but still has to be defeated to advance. Appears on the fifth level of each world and takes 10 hits to be defeated, but drops lots of pick-ups when defeated (the faster you defeat him, the more pick-ups he drops!)


  • Mega Seeker: A giant version of a Seeker Anchovy that appears as the boss of Jellyfish Plains; appears on the tenth level and takes 20 hits to defeat. It initially just moves back and forth in the air, making it easy to land hits on the Mega Seeker with good timing, but after taking 10 hits the Mega Seeker will sometimes come closer to the ground, requiring you to dodge it as it comes down.
  • Mega Jumper: A giant version of a Jumper Anchovy that appears as the boss of Squidward's Factory; appears on the tenth level and takes 20 hits to defeat. It initially just jumps around like a normal Jumper Anchovy, but after taking 10 hits it will sometimes spit metal nuts at you.


  • Despite the second world being called Squidward's Factory, that world is actually shown to take place in the parking lot outside the Bikini Bottom Recreational Center (although the center is at least showing an advertisement for a show starring Squidward).


  • The robot anchovies in this game have the same design as the ones seen in Anchovy Assault and Nick Dodgers.
  • The mechanic of trapping enemies in bubbles was also used in WhoBob WhatPants???